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Case Studies

Find out more on how the Digital Inclusion Initiative has benefitted our residents

An old man holding a digital tablet with a young woman sat next to him. The woman is pointing at the tablet and appears to be supporting him.


The Digital Inclusion Initiative provides digitally excluded people with a free tablet, sim card (with 6 months of internet connectivity) and digital skills training. The project began in 2023 and is ongoing throughout 2024. A lot of people supported by the project were also supported by the Households into Work project, who have worked with participants to develop their confidence and employability skills.

The following case studies highlight the benefits of these projects working together to holistically support residents across the Liverpool City Region over 2023-2024. Click the options in the right-hand menu to see the impact made on each borough.



Aaron's Story

After moving from the south of England to Halton, Aaron had to give up working due to his health. Aaron has a number of mental health barriers, including anxiety, depression, ADHD and ASD. This results in him battling with his emotions and makes it difficult to go to new places and be in larger groups, which has previously stopped him from attending group sessions.

Aaron wanted to explore self-employment and already had some IT and digital skills. He only had a mobile phone, so needed a device to help him to look for work and complete a self-employment course.

Attending digital training was good for Aaron, it was a challenge being part of a group, but with the support of his advocate, he was able to stay and complete the session. This has enabled him to attend further groups, building his confidence.

Since receiving his tablet, Aaron has been able to attend self-employment workshops with St Helens Chamber and the Prince’s Trust. This included: Business Enterprise, Building your Business, Business Launch and Money Management. He has learnt how to create a business plan, forecast profit and loss, understand how to manage taxes, and set up an online tax account. The tablet was used to support Aaron’s learning during sessions as well as researching business needs during his own time.

With continued 1-2-1 support from The Prince’s Trust, Aaron is hoping to start his own business around buying and selling Lego. The project was able to support his learning and provided the resources he needed. Providing Aaron with 6 months of internet connectivity for free was invaluable to him as he couldn’t afford internet access in his flat.


“I found the training okay with some instructions on how to use the tablet. It’s helped because I don’t just have to use my phone to do everything, I can switch it up and work on both my phone and tablet. I have also been given a cover and wireless keyboard for the tablet, which has been helpful.”

Peter's Story

Peter was lacking in digital skills and didn’t have any qualifications, which he found to be a huge barrier when looking for work. He’s also a carer for his partner and needed a flexible approach to ensure he could work around these commitments.

With his tablet, Peter has been able to search for jobs, access NHS support and engage with others via social media. He’s also been able to contact education providers, enrol on courses, and develop his skillset.

With his tablet, Peter was able to access several online services. He has now completed a Money Management course and is currently studying Level 1 Functional Skills in Maths and Introduction to Welding. Peter now has a wider understanding of many skills (including digital) and is aspiring to progress to his Level 2 qualification in Maths.

Through these courses Peter has been able to meet new people and improve his confidence, he is now considering a course in Digital Skills.


“I am very grateful for this opportunity as it has helped me so much to move on and progress with my journey.”


Karen's Story

After moving from Yorkshire to Knowsley, Karen was sofa surfing between her son’s properties. She was keen to move into employment but had limited resources to help her search for suitable jobs.

After receiving her tablet and sim card, Karen was able to complete a number of online courses and improve her personal skills, which enhanced her employability. She’s also been able to use her tablet to search and apply for jobs more efficiently.

Her tablet has also provided a way for Karen to keep in touch with her friends from Yorkshire and have that support around her. She’s also been able to communicate with support services, which have helped her arrange accommodation.

Karen plans to continue to apply for job roles and hopes to get into employment soon.


“The tablet helped me gain qualifications and look for work, it’s been a great help.”

Lloyd's Story

Lloyd has had a number of jobs in warehousing and admin sales. His last job was nearly two years ago but due to homelessness he was unable to focus. He has English and Maths qualifications but felt he wasn’t likely to use these in the future. Lloyd’s homelessness was causing him to miss appointments with the Job Centre, as he had no data on his phone and was worried about being sanctioned.

Lloyd attended the digital skills session and was supported in setting up his tablet. He was shown how to set up an email address, which he’s been able to use to apply for jobs.

Lloyd’s been able to use his tablet and connectivity to access services that will support with finding accommodation, make phone calls and stay connected to loved ones, and update his Universal Credit journal and hasn’t missed an appointment since. Lloyd has also been going to the gym to build his confidence, and has been able to use his tablet to check opening hours and sessions.

Lloyds is hoping to find a shared property to live in and as well as starting paid work.


“This has really helped me as I’ve been able to access Universal Credit and emails, so I’ve not been sanctioned. I’ve felt a lot safer knowing I can make calls from my tablet.”

Patrick's Story

Patrick became unemployed during lockdown and, as a result, fell into depression. He has some digital skills, although these were minimal and he didn’t have his own device or internet access.

Before attending a digital skills session, Patrick was unsure of how to approach job searches.

Since receiving his tablet and sim card, Patrick has been able to work alongside Knowsley Works and improved his digital skills. This has allowed him to search for jobs, shop online and study. It has also allowed him to complete various admin tasks independently, such as renewing his ECS (Electrotechnical Certification Scheme) card so can apply for jobs that he has previously been employed in. Patrick has also been able to interact with his family more and be more socially connected.

Patrick is committed to finding employment and plans to continue to use his tablet to apply for jobs.


“I had little to no access to the internet prior to registering with Knowsley Works. I am now able to access these services which has helped me both socially and employment wise.”


Graham's Story

Graham has limited access to digital equipment and struggled to use his phone to access online services as it was quite old and struggled to work properly, whilst also being too small for him to work from. Graham had limited knowledge of the internet and how to use digital devices. He wanted the opportunity to improve his skills so he could find work.

Graham found his tablet a lot more accessible as its screen and keyboard were bigger compared to his phone. Through the digital skills sessions Graham has been able to gain a better understanding of how to use digital devices, which has improved his confidence in using them. Graham has also been using his tablet to search for jobs and access his Universal Credit Journal as well as Job Centre services.

Graham continues to improve his digital skills through an IT course with Everton in the Community. He has been using his tablet every day instead of putting on his TV, reducing energy costs.


“I felt the programme was delivered at a good pace that I understood. I found the course enjoyable and would have been happy to attend additional sessions.”

Stephen's Story

Stephen wanted to improve his confidence and digital skills so that he could search for jobs. He had previously worked as a warehouse operative for 15 years but had to leave his role due to being partially deaf and new rules that meant he had to use a headset. He then went on to be a bus driver but left this job as it was very stressful. Stephen admitted he found digital technology frustrating and therefore had a tendency to give up.

Stephen was supported with group and one to one job search sessions. He has been able to use his tablet and, with some support, been able to carry out practical tasks himself. This has raised his confidence both generally and with his digital skills. Stephen now feels confident enough to register with different recruitment agencies independently and is happy to pick up and use his tablet on a daily basis.

Now he generally feels happier and less frustrated about engaging with the digital world and is less likely to give up. He’s been able to register with 6 different sites to search for jobs. He hopes to secure employment soon and to get further training relevant to his job search choices, such as a Forklift licence.

Stephen overcame his fear of digital technology and now recognises he can carry out basic tasks himself.


“I can handle these tasks now. It’s basically given me my confidence back. It’s a step in the right direct and I’m less stressed.”


Ann's Story

Ann’s husband had passed away and she had recently had a heart attack herself, so was mentally feeling quite low. She was worried what she would do after her husband passed away suddenly and was financially in need of work. She is a Level 1 and 2 qualified Teaching Assistant, but needed support with her digital skills as she had no idea how to claim Universal Credit.

With support from Households into Work, Ann also attended a Level 1 IT course with Total Training, as well as digital skills training. She enjoyed the course, so continued with Total Training to do a Level 2 IT course, she was pleased with herself for completing both courses. Ann also competed a three-week NHS Agency course with Crosby Training and was able to register on the NHS agency website and find a job in admin.

With her improved confidence, Anna also started volunteering at her local church helping young mums once a week.


“If I had not taken part in the Digital Inclusion Initiative, I’d be nothing now. The support I have received has given me the confidence to do more educational training.”

Richard's Story

Richard had very few digital skills and wasn’t able to use the internet, he lacked confidence in trying to engage in new systems. He only had a phone to connect to the internet and was limited as to what he could do. He was only responding to emails from the Job Centre and didn’t feel confident using it in any other way.

Richard lived with his elderly parents and had not worked for almost 8 years. He has few basic skills and suffers with poor mental health.

After receiving his tablet, sim card and basic skills training, Richard attended further digital courses on email and internet for beginners. He also attended a basic Money Management course and had one to one sessions to support him in using his tablet when searching for jobs.

Richard also used his tablet to engage with his family and other support services. Due to his improved confidence and digital skills, he is more active in his job search. He also recently completed an online Customer Service Level 1 and Level 2 course, using his tablet and sim card.

Richard plans to continue his learning by attending a Level 1 and Level 2 IT course and continuing to look for employment. It’s visible to see Richard now has a lot more confidence in himself.


“I’m a lot more enthusiastic about things now and feel a lot more optimistic than before. Completing training courses has improved my ability to find work, so I’m more forward-looking now.”

St Helens

Fiona's Story

Fiona had previously worked in office environments until she was made redundant in 2008. She then cared for her mother until she passed away in 2023, when she then became an official carer of a family friend. Fiona is on Universal Credit and had limited access to data, and sometimes puts her phone into cash converters when low on income.

Fiona suffers with anxiety and struggles with her confidence. She stated she felt out of touch with IT since she was made redundant and wanted to improve her skills.

Fiona received a phone and sim card as did the person she now cares for, so that he no longer had to depend on using her phone. Fiona attended a digital skills session as well as a Level 1 course in IT skills at a local college.

Fiona was surprised at her abilities and realised she remembered some basic digital skills. Her confidence has increased, and she was able to develop connections with other learners.

Fiona is now looking at developing her CV and has completed a Buzz Quiz to recognise her skills which can be used for employability. She hopes to move on to employment after completing a digital course at her local college.


“I have been able to maintain contact with others and realise the skills I already have as well as developing new ones.”


Beatrice's Story

Beatrice is a single parent to two young children, who moved to Wirral from south England. She was placed in a housing association flat which has limited access to a bus route. This was a particular issue due to her physical and mental health issues.

Despite this, Beatrice has been doing a Level 2 Teaching Assistant course at a college in Liverpool as they were able to offer her childcare. She was struggling as she was having to do the course work on either her phone or her daughter’s old tablet when she wasn’t using it for schoolwork.

Beatrice was delighted to receive her own tablet she could use for her coursework and was able to complete the course. Beatrice is now registered with teaching agencies and is hoping to gain employment soon, she also plans to use her tablet for the job search process.


“I use my tablet everyday to do my assignments. I’m very grateful that I now have a reliable way of completing my assignments, it’s a big stress relief.”

David's Story

David was unemployed and unsure on what career path he wanted to take as he felt he lacked skills/training. He has been struggling financially and sold his computer to help pay for bills and buy essentials, he had no access to the internet. David is on Universal Credit and found budgeting hard, he found himself depending on food banks.

He had moved out of his family home for this first time by himself and was adapting to life on his own, whilst also struggling with his mental health.

After receiving a tablet and sim card, David was able to start a Level 2 course in Customer Service and use the tablet to research and complete his assignments. David was also able to complete a course in Empowering You Pre-employability as well as a programme with Wirral Forest that uses nature connection to improve wellbeing and social connection. This boosted David’s confidence and personal wellbeing. David has also been able to use the tablet to browse the internet, connect with others on social media and research hobbies, which has also been beneficial to his personal wellbeing.

David continues to work to complete his Customer Service course and develop his skills and confidence.

“The whole experience has been very positive. It’s opened my eyes to browsing online and online security, I am more cautious when it comes to avoiding scams.”

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