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Business Support Policy Framework

This Framework sets out our priorities for business support activity, investment and delivery across Liverpool City Region

One of the priorities of the LCR Plan for Prosperity is to provide high quality support for our businesses. This will help us create the conditions to boost productivity and enable an inclusive economy, both of which are a cornerstone of our ambitions for the City Region.  

The LCR Business Support Policy Framework (2022) builds on the Plan for Prosperity to set out a common policy position and set of principles designed to inform the Combined Authority’s future activities and investments. At its heart is a commitment towards the delivery of an integrated, high value and business-led support system. 

Download LCR Business Support Policy Framework (PDF, 320KB)

The Policy Framework identifies six fundamental elements to help create and sustain a well-functioning, collaborative business and innovation support system for the LCR going forward: 

1. A place-based ‘core’ business support ecosystem; 

2. LCR-wide specialist business support, innovation, and skills provision; 

3. Active promotion and delivery of integration between business support interventions, skills/employment programmes, and innovation support; 

4. A clear focus on supporting both turnover growth and job creation; 

5. Close attention to the business lifecycle and varying needs for support; 

6. A robust monitoring and evaluation framework with clear output, outcome, and impact targets.  

This will drive our ambitions for continuous improvement in the support we give to businesses and entrepreneurs. But we know we cannot do this alone. We will engage with private sector partners and government to continually make the case for the long-term investment and levers we need to unlock potential across the economy.  

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