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Local Transport Plan (LTP)

Have your say

We’re proposing some big, bold changes. Whether you take the bus every day or have never taken public transport before, this plan will change how you move around Liverpool City Region. So, it’s important we hear from as many people as possible before we finalise the plans in 2025. 

  • We want to understand which policies you agree with, if you have any worries about the plans and if you do, what we need to do to make sure the plan works for everyone. 

  • The consultation is open between 3rd October and 15th December 2024.   

  • You can have your say on the plans by completing an online survey through the link below.

  • To request a paper survey or a survey in another language please call 0151 332 4339 

  • What is the Local Transport Plan?

    The draft Local Transport Plan outlines our plans for transport in Liverpool City Region up to 2040. 

  • With a clear vision and goals, the plan provides a blueprint for making the transport network more integrated, sustainable and accessible to all – which are the key pillars of Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram’s vision for a London style transport system. 

  • It sets out what transport needs to do in order to continue to support communities, our economy and the Combined Authority’s wider objectives as a city region, looking at our overarching ambitions for rail, bus, active travel and more. It also recognises that we live in uncertain times, and where new technology is also changing how we work, live and travel.

  • The vision is: 

  • Clean, safe and accessible transport for moving people and goods.

  • We will be running a public consultation 3rd October – 15th December 2024, asking for views on the 21 policies in the plan, before finalising it later in 2025. This consultation follows engagement which took place in 2022 on an initial vision and goals.

  • Our goals

    The Local Transport Plan sets out how we will invest in public transport and the road and walking and cycling networks in Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral between now and 2040 to help achieve this vision. 

    There are five goals in the plan, supported by 21 policies: 

    Goal 1: Support good, clean job growth and opportunity for all 

    Goal 2: Achieve net-zero carbon and an improved environment 

    Goal 3: Improve health and quality of life

    Supporting Documents

    Local Transport Plan 4 Public Consultation Draft


    Local Transport Plan Consultation FAQs


    LTP Integrated Assessment Non Technical Summary


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